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How Optimising Google Can Keep You from Marrying the Wrong Person

We knew that would get your attention, but there is some truth in the mad title too (but only if you aren’t married already I hasten to add).

By optimising Google you setup and sort a whole host of similarities (Google/ You) in your business and your life, let’s have a look below…

(1) Google Business Profile / Your Home

To win on Google you have to play the Google game, that includes setting up your Home or Google Business Profile for it’s real name. In the past you would have used Google My Business and Google+ in a way to link your content profile to Google, Why? to play the game. Google wants to give it’s customers the best possible experience and so by you filling in the profile you let Google know who you are and that you can be trusted.

Same goes for your home, setup your house correctly and your home will be an enjoyable experience that works for all of you. Same goes with Google, Setup the profile and the rest of the eco-system will look after everything else. If your house works (that gives your relationship the best possible chance)

(2) Keywords / Common Things You Like Together

Knowing your Keywords in your business is essential, it’s what customers are searching for that you want to be found for. Same goes for your relationship, if you communicate and enjoy the same things then you have a better life. If you don’t recognise what your customers look for then you are blind in the process and are guessing your future, plus you potentially lose opportunities that have been there all around.

The same goes with your partner, the fun and beauty is about discoverability, it’s about getting to know them not just at the start but for evermore. Your partner might be into Yoga in year 1 and into Fencing (weird example) in year 5 and so on, the relationship changes with experience and with the world. The key is to continue to know who you are with and how they think and react to the world.

(3) Google Tools / Materials That Will Make Your Family Tick

Use Google tools like Google Trends, Analytics, Alerts, Bard, Data Studio (to name a few) to give you better insights and be able to market your business and be be found with more success. This goes with any relationship too, without using tools like your phone, apps, calendars etc. to work together to win at life. Having a common goals and constantly working on your business and relationship will give you everything you need for a happy time.

(4) SEO / The Way You Communicate

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is about communication, it’s how Google knows what your business pages are all about. It will be the same in your relationship, by you both being clear in what you are about you have the best chance of a successful future. Missing out key information (in both) will give you potential problems or missed opportunities.

SEO is really about knowing how people use search engines, what they type in and then returning as the answer. Just like in relationships it’s ongoing and evolves almost daily.

(5) Security / Security

Google takes personal data seriously so if you want to rank on Google your site will need a SSL Certificate that protects your customer especially around card details etc. It should be as important to you too, so take the time to help protect your customers. We all like to have a safe environment and no more than in our homes, treat your business like your home and keep you and your family secure.

(6) Speed / Build An Evolving Life At A Pace That Works For You

To deliver a fantastic experience your Website needs to be fast, pages and images need to load in a way that stops people getting bored and pressing the back key. Google marks your Website as people use them, so a high bounce rate, a low time on your page will give you a negative mark (after all if the page was right the reader would stay longer and read your content). Speed is another marker, they want the pages to load in seconds so sacrifice VERY high res images for just high Res etc. There are plenty of website review tools like ours Here

(7) Authenticity / Authenticity

Nobody likes a fake (unless it’s an expensive watch or handbag), and nor does Google. You should set out to be yourself and be authentic. Kim Kardashian wouldn’t look right selling toilet paper and the same goes for you, why do something that scream non authentic. Relationships would be odd if you had to pretend to be something your not, so go be your real self, I bet you rock!

(8) Relevance / Relevance

Help Google to match you to the right audience by being relevant. Imagine eating at an Italian restaurant to only see Chinese food, it just doesn’t make sense nor will it make the customer happy. Be clear about who you are and what you sell, then build relevant content around that.

(9) Mobile / Finding Different Ways To Live Your Life

The chances are that people will look at your content on several different screen sizes from Mobile to tablets to tablets to PC’s, so it’s important that you build and check your website pages on all screen types. Just as in life nothing is ever one way, you’ll need to adapt to service more people.

(10) Updated / Keep Talking

Finally, keep your business and partner updated at all times. (Not always an easy thing). There is so much to talk about that you sometimes can’t see the wood for the trees. Often you need to take a step back and reset, this will allow you to have new passion to the cause.


We constantly tell the world to give a BPCE (Best Possible Customer Experience) and that works for your relationships too. A BPR (Best Possible Relationships) is about recognising the people around you, family, friends, clients etc. and deciding if they are healthy for you. By surrounding yourself with the right people will change your health, happiness and wealth tenfold, it’s just a brave person who chooses to do this. But with 7.9 Billion people on the planet you aren’t gong to struggle to find the right people for you.

By looking at the areas in a more optimising way, i.e using your head along with your heart (removing Lust) you’ll know if the relationship could have potential problems. It’s only a mere observation so please take as you wish, but for anything to work on a long term basis there has to be a fair deal, so if reading this you might recognise a balance shift or that you should give more or give less.

How does all this stop you marrying the wrong person? It can’t sadly predict the future but it can help you to think about what you want and how you see the future. By taking the 10 points you draft out how you see it all and whether the people around you are right for you. Imagine wanting Kids or wanting to move to Australia for example only to find your partner doesn’t. It potentially just won’t work!

Please don’t panic and leave your partners,, that would be awful, but maybe look at how you invest in your relationships as you can with Google. Also don’t take away the fun, the intrigue and the excitement. Finding your life partner is the best experience you can have (outside of kids) so don’t over plan, just have a direction.