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2023 TikTok Algorithm Unveiled

Mastering the 2023 TikTok Algorithm: A Guide to Going Viral

Love it or hate it, TikTok is here to stay! and so is its mysterious algorithm that determines whether you'll shoot to stardom or not. 2023 is another year of exciting changes when it comes to the social media giant and content creation. With over 1 billion active users worldwide, TikTok is a phenomenon that is constantly shifting, and understanding the 2023 TikTok algorithm is crucial for content creators to reach their full potential. In this blog post, we'll dive deep and explore the most up-to-date algorithm secrets, along with tips and tricks to make your content stand out in the crowded TikTok universe.

Unlocking the 2023 TikTok Algorithm: Must-Know Elements

1. Engagement Metrics/ Relevance Scores

First and foremost, it's essential to understand that the TikTok algorithm values engagement above all. Your content's likes, comments, shares, and watch time are critical factors that determine the reach of your videos. TikTok assigns "relevance scores" to individual videos, These scores directly impact how often and how far your videos are pushed to audiences.

2. Personalised Content

The 2023 TikTok algorithm has become smarter than ever when it comes to personalised content. It learns from your likes, shares, and comments, meaning the more engagement a user has with your content, the more the algorithm will prioritise your videos in their feed. It’s goal is simple - encourage you to produce something worthy of viewing, rather than a post that is just ticking a box.

3. Hashtag Usage

Hashtags are the roadmap that guide users to your content. The right hashtag usage can propel your content to more significant exposure, while irrelevant or imprecise hashtags can hurt your reach. Choose wisely and research trending hashtags relevant to your content niche. There are plenty of platforms that will show you #hashtag metrics so take a regular look at these before randomly picking hashtags that come into your head.

Going Viral: Tips for TikTok Success

1. Authenticity Rules

In a world filled with filters and perfectly curated content, authenticity has become a precious commodity on social media. Share your true self, and TikTok users are more likely to engage with your content. As the saying goes, "be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Take a look around, how many people, accounts etc. all look the same, those winning are those who choose individuality!

2. Start a Conversation

Encourage engagement by inviting conversation within the comment section of your videos. Ask questions, create polls, or simply respond to comments with thoughtful replies. Increased engagement can lead to higher visibility in the TikTok algorithm.

3. Embrace Trends and Challenges

Trending content can be your passport to ‘virality’. Participate in popular challenges and stay updated on the latest trends. Additionally, consider adding your unique flair to popular content, making it stand out amongst the sea of similar videos. TikTok is about being real, so by taking part can show a real side to you and your business.

4. Consistency Is Key

Don't forget, TikTok favours accounts that post consistently. Develop a content schedule and stick to it. Audiences appreciate creators who bring them fresh and consistent content. By posting regularly you are doing what TikTok wants and so have a better chance of increasing your reach.

5. Collaborate!

Lastly, collaboration can work wonders when it comes to expanding your audience. Connect with other creators to cross-promote and share the love. You'll be surprised how much you can achieve by simply supporting and posting each others content.


So there you have it, a few handy tips that you should consider whilst building up your TikTok account, it’s not just about posting a video! it’s about optimising it to have the best chance of success.