12 Lead Generation Statistics for 2023

Unveiling The 12 Latest Lead Generation Statistics for 2023: The New Heroes of Marketing

We all know that knowledge is power, So whilst researching trends this month we thought why not share with you, so here are a few trends that we have been researching that we think will be of interest to your business and marketing plans.

1. 2023’s Lead Generation Landscape

61% of marketers consider LEAD GENERATION their top priority for 2023 (HubSpot) And, with an increasing number of businesses shifting toward data-driven strategies, lead generation is truly the focal point of modern marketing.

2. The Superpower of Content Marketing

91% of B2B marketers use CONTENT MARKETING for generating leads (Content Marketing Institute). It appears that high-quality content has an extraordinary impact on attracting potential clients.

3. The Irreplaceable Email Marketing

Never underestimate the power of EMAIL MARKETING! In 2023, marketers witnessed an average ROI of £45 for every pound spent on email marketing (Campaign Monitor). That’s a striking 4400% return on investment, making it the go-to publicising platform.

4. Say Hello to SEO

Around 82% of marketers report that SEO is becoming increasingly important for driving desired leads (Search Engine Journal). Keyword optimiSation and maintaining a strong online presence will bolster your efforts to turn visitors into customers.

5. The Underestimated Landing Pages

Businesses that have over 40 LANDING PAGES generate 12 X times more leads compared to those that have 5 or fewer (HubSpot). If you want to gain a competitive edge, start working on multiple, high-converting landing pages.

6. The B2B Connection

89% of B2B marketers utilise LINKEDIN for lead generation purposes, In a business-to-business scenario, being active on this giant professionally-minded platform is crucial.

7. A Pleasant Conversation

Diving into the world of CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING, 63% of people are more likely to return to a website with real-time customer support via chatbots (Invesp). This growing trend allows businesses to manage customer concerns with both efficiency and empathy.

8. The Impact of AI in Lead Generation

Embrace change, or be left behind This year!, we witness AI-BASED LEAD GENERATION tools’ market value crossing an astounding £10 billion (Markets and Markets). If you haven't jumped on the AI train yet, it’s time to consider doing so.

9. The Ever-Changing Conversion Rates

CONVERSION RATES vary across industries, but the global average is 2.35%. Although it doesn’t sound too high, businesses in the top 10% enjoy conversion rates of 11.45% or more (WordStream). Keep finding ways to optimise your conversion process, and you just might reach the elite club.

10. The Power of Employee Advocacy

Unbelievably, leads obtained through EMPLOYEE ADVOCACY have a 20% higher chance of converting (PostBeyond). Encourage your employees to become brand ambassadors and watch your lead conversion rate soar.

11. Utilising Technology for Personalisation

With 53% of marketers allocating at least half of their budget to lead generation (BrightTALK), investing in cutting-edge technology that facilitates PERSONALISED ADVERTISING is becoming a more popular choice.

12. The Gratification of Organic Traffic

32% of marketers state that ORGANIC channels give the highest percentage of quality leads (Demand Gen Report). Hatch your own strategy by continuing to focus on the long-lasting benefits of organic growth.


There are of course plenty more stats that could be important to the way you run your marketing strategy but these we have found to be of use so far in 2023. Look to trends to help you evolve your marketing plan and be in the right places for your potential audience.


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