The BIG12 Optimise Marketing Map

Optimise Marketing Map Explained (The BIG 12)

This is our marketing map, the essential BIG 12 (that we mention quite a lot) as it’s the key elements you need to work on in your online marketing if you want to see great results. Most businesses work on a handful or the map already but not always in the right way, so we offer this map for you to print off and start working up how you are going to tackle each area. Let’s look at what each of the BIG 12 will do for your business… (and in no particular order)…


The way your business is perceived very much can win you work, have a confusing message, wrong colours etc. and your customer will likely choose your competitor. You could have the best product or service but still lose, customers want an easy decision and your brand must help them with that by making them feel you are the business for them.

Influencer Marketing

If the socials are crowded then by you adding to the noise you might struggle to be heard. This is where an influencer could help you by collaborating and sharing their audience to steer business to you. Just as advertising it will cost, but unlike advertising you will get an instant engaged audience that is already buying similar products and services to you. The flip side to this is that you want to be an influencer yourself which is possible but needs a totally different game plan.

Social Media

Socials aren’t dead, they are just busy. Where we had 1 or 2 (Facebook & Twitter) to play with at the start we now have 5 or 6 key players, that means the consumer is less open to watching and liking (basically engaging) like they were before. To win at Socials you need to come away from the normal plan that businesses have and build out a bespoke plan that measures success in a different way. We have plenty of examples of successful businesses that get low engagement on Socials but fill their order books from the links on the posts.


Google is your best friend, they want the same as you should want, to give your customer the best possible experience. So if you set up Google correctly they will help your business to rocket, if you ignore the Google game then you risk not being shown or struggling to be shown across page searches.


If your customers have to be local (think Restaurants, Hair Dressers etc.) then setting up for Local is essential. Why waste time on traffic that won’t buy from you as your too far away.


Used well is a great tool, AI is a movement, it will change the way we operate in life, for those looking at it as a shortcut you will ultimately lose, but for those using it for help and assistance you will see long term success. Use AI to help research, help creative blocks, help find key trends or bring together reports, don’t use AI to do the work for you, After all you are brilliant and unique something AI can never be.

Test And Measure

Without doubt the most unused of the BIG 12. Rarely do clients track numbers so are in effect blind to the process. Even simple tracking on campaigns, socials or website would be a great start. You make different decisions when you have the numbers.

Lead Generation

Let’s face it, this is what you are here for. Without Lead Generation you don’t have a business. It’s essential to have a strategy/plan to continually get the numbers in. Another great tip is to know your capacity, if you know how many customers you can handle then you can build a plan to find those numbers, without this you risk over marketing.


What happens when you do get someone interested? they check you out and that includes your Website. So make sure your website is working well for the customer. On the flip side your website can also attract organic visitors (those who find you themselves) so if your website is not setup correctly you lose the opportunities that could come from here. For a quick overview of how your website is performing click this link.


A powerful tool when used correctly, it takes your customer data and gives you a way of personalising a journey for them. Every person will be in a different buyers journey, some will be cold and uninterested, some will be hot and ready to buy. What you do next can make or break a sale. Use the CRM to really care about your customers.


Understanding Algorithms gives all your content a massive boost. Each platform has its own set of rules so if you adhere to them you give everything a nice boost. When your content does well you are likely to do more of it and therefore likely to see more leads/ sales. Invest time into Algorithms for a better overall ROI in your Online Marketing.


We encourage you to build your business around Keywords as whether you are passionate about SEO or not you really need to understand what people search for when looking for products and services that you offer. Knowing your Keywords will give you options, you can build into your Website (SEO), Blogs (SEO) and general overall business plan, confident that your efforts are for the right target audience.