5 Outstanding Online Marketing Strategies That Deliver Results

If your reading this then we guess you must be looking for the best marketing strategies to help your business win more leads. BUT and it’s a big BUT, just consider this … Strategies are full of potential challenges that often give false information, for example spending money on Facebook Adverts and receiving no signups from the landing page raises the question - is it the wrong audience? wrong advert? wrong platform? Bad landing page? and so on. Strategies have to be planned out and all potential customer journey touching points investigated.

So what about the Strategies?

Obvious I know but the simple fact is that strategies work until they don’t! This can be caused by platform or audience changes, it can be from people jumping on a bandwagon causing the contact to receive similar content, it could be from being in the right space at the right time. The truth is that all strategies are worth considering if they fit your brand, values and goals.

I’m yet to find a target audience that is on all platforms, opens all emails and loves a telesales call, instead you find your audience across multiple channels and so you need a sub strategy for each of lead funnels too.

What we do know 100% is those companies that don’t pick a few strategies and see them through miss out as they are often not completing a fair test or giving the potential customer a chance to respond. For many companies results are judged purely on sales, but forget to allow the time for a customer to come through the system, in-fact it’s not unusual to see customers contact a business several months later, well after that campaign had been shut down. So consider all of the above before you read on…

Optimise Your Marketing’s Top 5 Marketing Strategies (as I write this blog)

1. Recognise The Moment

What we mean is not everyone is ready to buy today, the fact they are reading your content, visiting your site, opening your emails etc. are all good signs that you are of interest or your showing something they need. Keep that in mind when you market to them, help and guide them to the sale, fixing what’s stopping them from buying along the way.

We added this strategy because without this campaigns are setup to fail! Write down the KPI’s, Goals, Targets, What Make The Campaign A Success so you can stop yourself from impacting the campaign (outside of the perimeters you set).

2. Giveaway, Make Offers NEVER Discount

Who doesn't love the chance to win something for free? Giveaways have become a popular and successful marketing strategy for many businesses. By creating buzz around a product, giveaways not only attract new fans but also encourage increased engagement from existing followers. Fashion Nova, for example, frequently offers contests and giveaways on Instagram, generating thousands of likes, comments, and shares in the process.

Without doubt, the number 1 way to get someone to use your product is to let them use it for free, you can then upsell now you know that they have a better knowledge on how that product will work for them (removing the risk).

Never Discount! for 3 very simple reasons.

  • If your discounting then you are saying you are not good enough to charge the price you normally charge so doubt and negativity creeps into your product and brand.

  • It’s also hard for a customer to pay full price when they have paid less for it in the past

  • Finally, it attracts customers that won’t potentially buy from you again at full price, you are looking for repeat business at full price not one time purchases at reduced prices.

Believe in yourself and your product - why wouldn’t you?

3. Captivating Content 

One cannot begin to fathom the depths of my love for content marketing; this strategy, my friends, is the bread and butter of online marketing. Engaging, relevant, and informative content is critical in shaping a brand's voice and nurturing its online community. Brands like Airbnb do an excellent job creating captivating content that not only showcases beautiful properties worldwide, but also offers travel tips and suggestions. Their content is informative, visually appealing, and share-worthy, pushing potential clients one step closer to booking their next getaway.

Content is easier than it first seems and it works by listing out categories that you want to post about and repeating the posts over and over (fitting in those in the moment posts that come along). For example if you were selling a product (let’s say a blender) you could categorise into :-

  • Brand Post

  • Functions Of The Blender

  • Day to Day Things Made in the Blender

  • About Your Team

  • Blender Fails (where people have left the lid off etc.)

  • Beautiful Blending (food made with the blender)

And so on , you can see that by being more focused on the categories gives you more scope to create different types of content that not only appeals to different audiences but gives your account greater visual appeal overall.

4. Influencer Impact 

Influencers have taken the marketing world by storm. With massive followings and devoted fan bases, influencers hold the power to grab their audience's attention and guide their decisions. The good news is that you tend to find that the people following the influencer can be your perfect target audience too, so by looking like your working with that influencer or have them endorse you will hopefully give you a boost. The not so great news is that they will want a payment for this service, normally free products right through to a fee. It’s certainly worth asking the question to see what it would take and if it’s worth the investment.

There are many types of influencers but mainly tend to fit into 3 categories: -

  • Have 1000 - 2500 followers (usually happy for a product switch)

  • Have 2500 - 10000 followers (usually want a small payment)

  • Have more than 10000 follower (usually want a larger payment)

  • Celebrity (usually want a very high fee)

In each case they will demand more from the deal, but this is categorising and just as in normal everyday life, deals can be done. Find the accounts that work for you and make contact, then work out how any sales it would take to make the deal worth pursuing.

5. SEO and the Mighty Long-Tail Keyword

Let's talk about the mysterious yet fascinating world of SEO, specifically the long-tail keywords. While many marketers focus on targeting short, highly competitive keywords, long-tail keywords attract a more niche and highly engaged audience. These keywords, often in the form of search queries, rank higher because they experience less competition while addressing a user's specific needs. For example, instead of targeting "workout shoes," a company might choose to target "best workout shoes for flat feet." Embracing this strategy enables businesses to dominate search engine rankings and reach prospective customers with ease.

Keep up to date with the world, as more trends and buzz words appear, SEO will need to change accordingly on your site.

BONUS - Have a Plan!

The truth is none of it works without a plan, even one strategy takes some management let alone multiple ones. Never stop looking, learning and trying new strategies! Have fun with them as you learn what works and what doesn’t for you and your business.


So, there you have it – our top 5 strategies of online marketing strategies that have proven to be successful for various clients across multiple industries. Remember that online marketing isn't a one-size-fits-all approach; it's essential to understand your target audience's needs and preferences and customise your strategy accordingly.


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