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Best Practices Of A #Hashtag

When using #hashtags in your marketing please follow the basic rules listed below, it’s a simple check but can make the difference between your content being seen and not!

*Does it Belong?

Not every platform uses #hashtags and not every platform uses the same #hashtags, for example what is trending on Facebook can be a lot different from TikTok, think about each platform, the expected user and the generation.


Great hashtags are under 10 characters and never more than 20, they should be easily readable too.

*Special Characters

Some special characters, like dashes and spaces, should be avoided, Stick to letters and/or numbers, and doesn't have any spaces or special characters.

*Character Case

All CAPS is a no go, but all lowercase or CamelCasing will work well. Hashtags are not case sensitive, so go with whatever letter casing makes it the most readable, and try to stick to that casing in all of your marketing materials, also avoid using acronyms as potentially only you know what it actually means (unless it is already well known that is).

*Character Font

Using simple fonts only, it will be easier for people to type in the hashtag without any special keyboard support. Depending on where your event is taking place, it might be good to have a few variations, for example, one using an umlaut, and another hashtag without it.


And Finally…

Always check the #hashtag in tools like - https://checkmyhashtag.com - this gives you the chance to know whether it’s a good idea or not to use that #hashtag !! The team at Optimise can help you discover the right types of #hashtags for your business, why not book in some free time with them below?