Digital Marketing

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is crucial for businesses of all sizes. In 2024, we're seeing exciting trends emerge, driven by ever-increasing consumer reliance on digital channels. At Optimise Your Marketing, we're passionate about helping businesses thrive in this dynamic environment. That's why we've compiled some key digital marketing statistics for 2024 to equip you with the insights you need to craft a winning strategy.

The Rise of Automation and AI

There is a massive shift towards AI and seems to be 2 types of people. Those who use it and those who build it! AI is not only enhancing people’s lives with quicker tools but allowing people to build the solutions that have previously been slow and tedious. You must take the time to understand and follow AI even if you don’t invest in it, AI will not go away, it will continue to monopolise and so make sure you are future proofed to handle the future years.

  • 64% of marketers are already using AI and marketing automation (HubSpot Blog Marketing Strategy Report, 2024). This trend is expected to accelerate, with an additional 38% planning to adopt automation by year-end.

  • Automation streamlines tasks like email marketing, social media management, and paid advertising, freeing up valuable time for strategic planning and creative endeavours.

As humans we love quick wins and shortcuts, so AI is perfect for that. If you are thinking of raising the game with your online marketing then AI will assist you, please don’t let it do it for you, that opens up so many future problems from not ranking to plagiarism, all things you want to be far away from. Think more about, what can AI help me with that gives my customer the best possible experience, then and only then will you be in the right mindset.

The Power of Video Marketing

Video marketing has increased due to 2 very important things! Firstly the technology is off the scale, it would have been unthinkable all those years ago to think you could make video so easily and to scale in 2024+. Secondly the generations have changed, people want to consume more information and FAST, nothing is faster than a video.

  • The video marketing train keeps rolling! Video ad spend is projected to reach a staggering $191 billion in 2024 (Statista, 2024).

  • Consumers love video content. 92% of businesses report using video as a marketing tool, and a whopping 92% of video marketers report positive ROI (Wyzowl, 2023).

  • Consider incorporating explainer videos, product demonstrations, or customer testimonials into your marketing mix.

Add this to the fact that the generations coming through are inbuilt to make content, it's easy to see why Video is not only popular but being adopted at a staggering rate, even those shy people can make content that makes sales! It’s a very open and even playing field right now.

Mobile Takes Center Stage

Who knew! only kidding, Mobile is obviously centre stage as again the technology has rocketed and made it so essential. If you are watching an AD it’s almost certainly on Mobile, our main computers tend to be saved for work, so if you are advertising maybe try that quick switch out. There is a mentality about your mobile that makes it acceptable to communicate, so DM’s, WhatsAPP messages, socials and ADs all belong here.

  • Mobile continues to reign supreme. Mobile advertising is expected to account for a whopping 77% of all digital ad spend in 2024 (WordStream, 2022).

  • Consumers are 35x more likely to open mobile messages than emails.

  • Ensure your website and marketing materials are optimised for mobile browsing to provide a seamless user experience.

We often take Mobile not too seriously and almost expected when marketing, you really should be looking at it as a strategy of it’s own, it’s not going anywhere soon.

The Importance of Transparency and Content Marketing

Ridiculous noise = no trust, the more confusing it is the more consumers panic and retreat, it’s a survival thing. So if you can be transparent and authentic people will naturally gravitate to you and want to follow, like, consume and buy from you. Where it goes wrong is where your perception isn’t met by the audience. Imagine Kim Kardashian promoting Toilet Paper, no me either but if she did, the transparency and authenticity would fall dramatically. Know who you are and then let the world know, be proud!

  • Building trust is paramount. 73% of customers are willing to spend more with brands that have complete transparency online (WordStream, 2022).

  • Content marketing is a powerful tool for building trust and brand awareness. The content marketing industry revenue is projected to reach $82 billion in 2024 (Responsify, 2024).

  • Invest in creating high-quality, informative content that educates and engages your target audience.

Most consumers just want a fair deal, you do this and i’ll pay that, if you are in doubt or question the business then no persuasion will get you buying, so make sure you are who you say you are, or at least who Google says you are!

The Takeaway

These key stats paint a clear picture of the digital marketing landscape in 2024. By leveraging automation, prioritising video content, optimising for mobile, building trust, and creating compelling content, you can position your business for success in the ever-evolving digital world.

At Optimise Your Marketing, we use our BIG12 in everything we do, this covers: -

We then take the tasks that you need help with from the BIG12 and help you optimise your marketing. So whether you need more leads (Lead Generation) better brand (Brand) better open rates (CRM) quicker processes (AI) rank on page 1 (Google and SEO) better reach (Algorithms) be found locally (local)… the list goes on, acknowledge the challenge and it will fit into one of the BIG12 guaranteed.

Contact us today to discuss your unique needs and develop a data-driven digital marketing strategy that delivers results.


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