How to Find Trending Topics on Social Platforms

Spotting what’s trending on social platforms can be a game-changer for your content strategy. It not only helps you create content that resonates with your audience but also boosts engagement and visibility. So, how do you discover these trending topics? Here’s a streamlined guide to navigating the most popular social platforms and staying ahead of the curve.

Why It Matters

Think about how algorithms work, content that’s widely shared gains more visibility, giving you a better reach than a topic that isn’t catching on. Plus, it places you in the middle of conversations that people are eager to have. While it’s not the ultimate strategy for online marketing, it’s definitely a smart move that can lead to improved results.

1. Use Platform-Specific Tools

Each social media platform comes equipped with tools or sections dedicated to trending content. These tools are your go-to for finding out what’s hot right now.

Twitter: Explore Page and Trending Hashtags The “Explore” tab on Twitter is your gateway to trending topics, neatly divided into categories like “For you,” “Trending,” and “News.” Check out the trending hashtags on your homepage's sidebar for a snapshot of what's buzzing, locally and globally.

Instagram: Explore Page and Hashtags Instagram’s Explore page showcases posts and videos tailored to your interests, reflecting broader trends too. Dive deeper by searching for trending hashtags in your niche. Instagram’s algorithm highlights what’s gaining momentum, making it a solid tool for trend-spotting.

Facebook: Trending Topics and Groups Although Facebook no longer has a “Trending” section, active groups within your niche can still provide a wealth of trending topics. The discussions in these groups often mirror what’s popular among specific audiences, while your News Feed can also highlight trending content in your network.

TikTok: Discover Page On TikTok, the “Discover” page is your treasure trove of trending sounds, hashtags, and challenges. With its trend-driven algorithm, TikTok makes it easy to spot content that’s going viral. Watch out for recurring hashtags and sounds—they often signal what’s about to go big.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn News For professionals, LinkedIn’s “LinkedIn News” section is a goldmine for trending articles and discussions relevant to your industry. Following industry leaders and engaging with their content offers further insights into what’s trending in your professional circles.

2. Harness Social Listening Tools

Social listening tools allow you to monitor online conversations around specific topics, brands, or industries. These tools are invaluable for digging beneath the surface to uncover deeper trends.

Hootsuite Insights Hootsuite’s social listening tools track keywords, hashtags, and mentions across various platforms, offering a broader view of what’s trending in your industry or among your audience.

BuzzSumo BuzzSumo excels at discovering trending content based on keywords. It shows you the most shared content across social platforms, helping you grasp what’s striking a chord with audiences.

Brandwatch Brandwatch dives deep into trending topics by analyzing social media, blogs, news, and other online content. It’s a powerful tool for identifying emerging trends before they hit the mainstream.

3. Follow Industry Influencers and Thought Leaders

Influencers and thought leaders often catch trends early. By following these key figures, you can get a head start on trending topics. This strategy is particularly effective for piggybacking on trusted sources, but remember—they may promote topics that serve their own interests.

Twitter Lists Organise influencers and industry experts into Twitter lists to keep your feed focused on what matters. This makes it easier to track their conversations and shared content.

LinkedIn Connections On LinkedIn, connect with or follow thought leaders in your field. Keep an eye on the articles they share and the discussions they initiate.

Instagram and TikTok Influencers On visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok, follow influencers known for their trendsetting content. Observe the styles, topics, and challenges they frequently engage with.

4. Keep Tabs on Competitor Content

Monitoring your competitors can also help you spot trends. If they’re consistently posting about certain topics or using specific hashtags, it might signal a trend you can capitalize on.

Social Media Monitoring Tools like Mention or Sprout Social help you monitor your competitors' social media activity, offering insights into patterns that may indicate trending topics.

Content Analysis Regularly analyze your competitors’ content—blog posts, videos, social media updates—to pick up on emerging trends.

5. Engage Directly with Your Audience

Sometimes, the simplest way to find out what’s trending is to ask your audience directly. Engaging with your followers can provide valuable insights into their interests and the topics they care about.

Polls and Surveys Use polls and surveys on Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn to ask your audience about the topics they’re interested in. This helps you identify trends specific to your followers.

Comment Section Insights Pay close attention to comments on your posts and other popular posts in your niche. These discussions often highlight what your audience is currently interested in.

Many companies overlook this step, which is a missed opportunity. Take the time to engage with your audience, and you’ll build stronger relationships and a deeper understanding of what matters to them.


Discovering trending topics on social platforms involves a mix of using built-in tools, social listening, following influencers, monitoring competitors, and engaging with your audience. By staying proactive and exploring these avenues, you can ensure your content remains relevant and engaging.

Whether you’re looking to boost brand visibility or connect with a broader audience, staying on top of social media trends is crucial to your success.

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