The New Rules of Marketing

The rules are always changing in marketing but humans aren’t always quick to adapt. Instead they look for quick gains, shortcuts and are easily influenced by marketeers who show them a system that makes sense but often has no credible results, worst still more and more people adopt these systems and the consumer gets hit over and over, meaning even less chance of success.

With any marketing there are short wins but there should always be a bigger plan, this plan is what will secure your future for years to come because you built it with the purpose of attracting the right people that you know your business can help. Continuous short marketing is built on luck, it’s fire-fighting at best, this isn’t where you want to be as an on going tactic of choice.

Let’s have a look at old and new rules of marketing: -

Old Rules vs. New Rules

There are many thoughts about old and new rules of marketing but what was traditional is still seen today, businesses had three primary ways to gain attention:

  • Buying Attention: This involved traditional advertising methods, which many now find less effective.

  • Bugging People: This refers to direct sales tactics, often intrusive and less appreciated by potential customers.

  • Media Coverage: Convincing journalists to write about a company or product, a method that has become increasingly challenging.

In contrast, the new rules focus on creating high-quality content that attracts attention organically. It’s all about real-time communication, leveraging social media, and maintaining an engaging online presence, the coin is reversed so to speak, it’s more about letting people find you and approach you, which drives old school sales people crazy.


So let’s look at a few important thoughts about the New Rules of Marketing…

The Importance of Content

Content remains king in the realm of digital marketing. Now more than ever businesses must prioritise creating valuable content that resonates with their target audience. This content should be pushed out across various platforms, engaging potential customers where they are most active. It really is quality over quantity with the caveat that you still need a large amount to make a noise, you can repurpose and reuse content but posting just to post isn’t acceptable.

Your Home Base

You need to have a "home base" for your content. This typically takes the form of a website or blog where businesses can control their messaging and audience engagement. Relying solely on social media platforms can be risky, as changes in algorithms can drastically affect visibility. If you attract a viewer then you must give them a place to go and find more, even if that just backs up your credibility. People’s time is precious so if you do get them to be a fan, it’s your job to keep them with you not there’s to follow you blindly.

Innovative Marketing Strategies

With the sheer amount of platforms available you can find new and various innovative marketing strategies that align with the new rules. One notable concept is "newsjacking," which involves leveraging breaking news stories to gain attention for a brand or product. We already know that hashtags and trending content are a big tick when looking for reach as a KPI.

The Role of Social Media

Social media platforms play a vital role in modern marketing. However, Don’t spread yourself too thin across too many platforms. Instead, businesses should focus on a select few that align with their target audience and where they can create meaningful engagement. The most forgotton point is to use the platform as it was built, so talk on X, share pictures on Instagram, make short videos on TikTok etc. It can be the same theme just needs a slightly different production.

Choosing the Right Platforms

Understanding where your potential customers are is crucial. For B2B companies, LinkedIn may be the ideal platform, while visual products may perform better on Instagram. Regardless of the platform, businesses must maintain a consistent presence and engage authentically with their audience. Do your research too, it’s obvious to say that Gen X are on .. and Millenniums are on … but you might just be surprised that there is still a big cross over and people aren’t always willing to admit they are on platforms that aren’t deemed cool (which means you could be missing out).

The Impact of AI and Machine Learning

As technology continues to advance, artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming increasingly relevant in marketing. Take time to understand both the potential benefits and risks associated with AI in marketing. It might speed up content creation but does it impact authenticity and trust?

Fostering Passion and Connection

We believe that passion, connection, and intensity are core values that drive successful marketing. Passion is infectious; when leaders are passionate about their work, it resonates with their audience and fosters loyalty. Not many owners or marketing managers worry too much about this, instead they just post content to tick a box and keep themselves employed. Take the time to give your marketing the purpose it deserves and you might save time and get better results too.

Building Connections

Creating genuine connections with customers is essential for long-term success. Building a passionate fan base can lead to sustained growth and engagement. You have an instant audience. But to do this you have to first remember the whole world won’t come and join you, but a large amount of people will when you have a clear purpose, a fan club of sorts that all want the same thing.


As the marketing landscape continues to evolve, embracing these principles will be crucial for leaders aiming to control their destiny and achieve their goals. Whether through innovative strategies like newsjacking or utilising the latest technology, the key is to remain adaptable and responsive to the ever-changing environment.


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