What is Optimise in Marketing?

What is Optimise in Marketing?

Optimising in Marketing is essentially the process of taken a process or system and making the best out of it. So, if you run Facebook Ads, have a Website, use a CRM, post on Socials (the list goes on) you will want to Optimise to get the very best results and/ or get the best ROI.

There is a hidden secret to Optimising that should be noted however, If you change one element of any online marketing, it’s likely to effect another, so look against the whole customer journey or campaign, rather than just the thing you are optimising.

For example, if you go on a diet, you count your calories, change your diet, change your habits and change your daily routine. It’s a lot but worth it, to see those pounds drop off. What happens next is you might be tired, have mood swings, think differently, you might have to stop social engagements or buy new clothes as nothing fits right anymore etc.

The same is with your online marketing, you optimise a social platform, you see more of a type of customer start buying from you, this now has a impact on distribution and accounts, you might also think differently about your target audience, this can all be OK or could be a wrong move depending on the end goal.

To Optimise in Marketing, you will need 3 key things: - 

(1)  Identify what you wish to change

You should plan out the key parts of the online marketing you are looking to change, so that you can have a structured non-gung-ho approach. Be in control of your own destiny by having fun with the business, whist building your business with a very clear WHY.

You build lead funnels to match the product or services that you really want to sell (and that make you good profits). Often businesses get stuck in the process and in the moment, customers can change and dictate your business which costs you time and time again.

Know what you are here for, be you and then set a process to deliver exactly what you want. Only by being clear and defined can you hope to get over the line, also don’t be scared to be different, what’s the point of being the same as everyone else.

(2)  Goals

You will need to know what success looks like and work backwards. As in point 1 you really need to know what it is you want to achieve. Set mini campaigns or take 1 goal at a time until completion, the goal should have a real purpose from sales to brand.

Online Marketing Goals can be more leads, better conversions, more likes, more impressions, more reach, more click, more sign ups, the list goes on. I love to see a business campaign where you pick 1 area/ product/ service and make the best out of it, so much more fun than trying multiple campaigns that often conflict and cost in the end.

(3)  A Line in the Sand

You’ll need to recognise where you are right here, right now to give you a measure of the success. So first up recognise what you would like to achieve and where you are. You should be able to put in plans when you know the start and finish. Find a way to get the numbers or performance results and then keep tracking and monitoring so you can make real life decisions.


Only when you have considered the above can you move on to the next part of the process (the Optimising of your online marketing). You take what you have and build out a new way of thinking, linking, or connecting to give you a predicted better result.

By Optimising you are taking control of your online marketing and helping get the results you expected. If you continue to simply post, email and generally reach out to people with no Optimisation you’ll only get half a result (outside of pure luck).

Everyone in business is in a mass hurry for success, when reality is that it can take a little longer to really understand the who, what, when etc. Enjoy the process of Optimising, it’s the one thing you can say “I did this and that happened” which is rare in such a cut throat, fast paced business world.

If you would like help in starting the process, please reach out to us here at Optimise and we will be only too happy to help.


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