Cracking the TikTok Algorithm: What you Need to Know

Unraveling TikTok's Mysterious Algorithm - A Closer Look

The Secret Sauce

By now, you've probably had the tune of a TikTok trend stuck in your head on more than one occasion. That's the powerful impact of TikTok's unique algorithm – and it's constantly evolving! For a platform that relies on providing users with the most personalised feed possible, understanding how TikTok's algorithm works can be a game-changer.

The ‘For You Page’ (FYP)

The For You Page (FYP)! It's the rabbit hole that we all love to browse, with an endless stream of quirky, funny, and sometimes downright bizarre content tailored to our preferences. The FYP is TikTok's bread and butter, and it's here that the algorithm works its magic. 

It All Starts With Video Information

When a new video is posted, TikTok's algorithm factors in all the details like captions, hashtags, and whether the content is original or part of a trend. TikTok's algorithm is so advanced that it can recognise objects, cultural or geographic locations, and even languages used in a video, These elements help the algorithm categorise and prioritise content.

Hold My Attention With Engagement Metrics

The real key to conquering TikTok's algorithm is the "Engagement Trinity" - watch time, shares, and likes. After considering video information, the algorithm takes note of how users engage with a video. If a video has high watch time, it indicates that it is keeping viewers hooked, and this favorable metric contributes to the video being recommended to more users. Similarly, if a video is being shared or liked, it shows that users feel it's worth sharing or giving a virtual thumbs-up.

The Personal Touch

TikTok's algorithm seems to follow this ethos when it comes to personalisation. The algorithm learns from your behaviour and adjusts your FYP accordingly. So, if you interact with content related to cooking, travel, or any other specific niche, expect to see such themes dominate your FYP. Not to mention, if I follow a specific creator or engage with their content frequently, I'll see more of that creator's posts in my feed.

No Algorithm Is The Same

TikTok's algorithm may seem intelligent, but it's not without its imperfections. The platform has recognised this and actively encourages users to contribute to a more accurate algorithm by providing feedback. If you encounter content you don't want to see on your FYP, selecting "Not interested" can significantly affect your future feed content by offering the algorithm a better understanding of your preferences.


TikTok's algorithm is heavily influenced by user interaction and behaviour. By combining video information and engagement metrics, the algorithm is constantly working to learn and grow from billions of data points. So, the next time you dive into the world of TikTok, remember that your actions hold power when it comes to personalising your feed.


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