Lead Gen Mastery: Creating and Executing a Successful Lead Generation Strategy

Crafting and Executing a Winning Strategy

Without doubt the number 1 conversation we have with client is about Lead Generation, even for those with a healthy database and repeat business strategies in place, every client at some point has mentioned leads in their conversations with us. It’s natural and normal for any business, even when your order book is full you’ll still be thinking of how to replace those who choose not to continue and so the cycle continues of finding people ready to buy to keep your business progressing or at least ticking over! and all that starts with an understanding about creating and executing a successful lead generation strategy :)

Leads for us is defined by this statement - ‘A person(s) that are showing signs they are interested in something you offer’ It’s important to define what a lead is, if you think a lead is someone who books into a diary for a call that is fine but you’ll need to change metrics along the way to reflect that. For us Leads are those that have found something of interest and now need a little more nurturing to help convert into a sale.

So with that in mind, we recommend you think about these 5 key points: -

Step 1: Define Your Target Audience

Not defining your Target Audience means your setup to dilute your message, content, audience (to name a few) instead of having a very clear path you will overspend and have to rely more on luck that judgement. By defining your audience you can market in a very specific way so if you were targeting Ladies in their 40’s who were part time, that would give you a far different audience to Males in their 20’s who work in engineering and so on. Only by starting with this targeting process first can you expect to see the right types of people coming through the doors. Imagine if you ran a free cake voucher and targeted everyone, you would potentially give away thousands but what percentage of them would actually return (it depends who redeemed) but what if you controlled the process first and made sure the ad was served to those who are more likely to return and continuously buy from you (right demographics, age, gender, hobbies, interests etc.).

Step 2: Develop High-quality Content

Just as an audience is important so is what you serve them with, you are unlikely to see success serving meat in a vegan restaurant and being online is no different. Think about your audience and find a way of showcasing you, your brand and the products/ services you offer. You’ll need to add sales, brand and value posts so that the audience can learn more about you and your business as a collective, rather than just as one of the elements. Once you have that set in your mind, find the platforms you think your audience will be on and deliver the right experience based on the platforms options.

Step 3: Choose the Right Channels

You have so many options when it comes to finding your audience, whether social media, email marketing, SEO, paid advertising, and so many more. It's crucial to identify the channels that your target audience frequents and invest your time and resources into those avenues. With your test and measure will come results and so you will be able to see whats working and whats not, allowing you to try new avenues and lead funnels. Remember just because you don’t like the platform or can’t use it, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t invest in it. If you think your audience are on any online platform then you simply must try and use it.

Step 4: Implementing Lead Magnets and CTAs

Trust and credibility are what it’s all about! By creating value materials that help businesses with a specific challenge you are showing empathy. This ability to understand a customer will help them to see that you could be a key part of their business and so are more likely to take the time to see more about you and what you do, this then can convert to sales further down the line. Use Lead magnets, such as ebooks or webinars, or incentives that you give away in exchange for a prospect's contact information. Similarly, having strong calls-to-action (CTAs) encourages your audience to take the next step towards becoming a lead.

Step 5: Analyse, Optimise, and Iterate

Creating a successful lead generation strategy isn't a 'set it and forget it' kind of deal. It requires testing, analysing, and optimising to ensure you're getting the best results. Tracking tools, like Google Analytics and CRM systems, are essential for monitoring your performance and fine-tuning your approach. Too many businesses don’t track the numbers, they simply give up on the platform saying it doesn’t work for them, But knowing the numbers gives you an exact answer and maybe just maybe you were wrong and actually the platform did generate or help to generate that lead!


Optimise Your Marketing will always encourage you to identify the targets, as just like Keywords if you know from the start who you want in your business your more likely to find them! which is a win/win for all.


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