Creating Impactful Social Media Content

5 Proven Tips to Optimise Your Social Media Content for Maximum Engagement

You’ll have worked out that social media has a two-fold strategy for your business in that it brings brand and sales often in the same post! so it makes perfect sense to take the time to create social posts, after all you never know who’s out there watching :) Listed below is my best tips for engagement that we have found to work for our clients: -

1. Engaging Images are your Best Friends

Posting is one thing, but post something that stops people from scrolling is another. We appreciate that not every post can be a piece of art but simple hacks like bright colours or engaging images can be enough to grab your audiences attention. Create posts built for the platform in hand, for example photo centric images for Instagram and Pinterest whilst more professional for LinkedIn and so on (it obviously depends on your brand goals). What ever you choose try to build with consistency, think logos, design, colour, fonts and filters.

2. Respect People’s time

By thinking about respecting people’s time will keep you focused on creating a better headline, i.e - help the reader get the point instantly. ALWAYS talk about the topic in your header, there is nothing worst than clicking something irrelevant, don’t be that company! Instead make your header concise and to the point, then deliver whatever you wanted to talk about in that header.

3. Hashtag

Sadly Hashtags don’t have sirens or flashing lights so many ignore the true power of them, do a quick search and you’ll find hashtags that results millions, why would you not want your post put on that timeline? It is a little more complex than that but if you take your time to really think about the topic you want your post to be attached too, you might just be surprised by the results. The best metric is to visit the analytics to see how much reach and impressions you are seeing now that you have started to add in a few hashtags (Be careful not to overdo the Hashtags, we’d advise a maximum of 6 per post and only if they are relevant).

4. Timing, Timing, Timing

What good is your fantastic content if nobody sees it? A rule of thumb we are seeing is to Post on Facebook is between 1 pm - 3 pm, and for Instagram, it's between 11 am - 3 pm. LinkedIn is between 6.30 - 9 and again at 3.30 onwards, Twitter is generic but lunch seems a good fit for us. These numbers are just what works for us, so could vary depending on your target demographic, so it’s worth conducting a trial-and-error approach to pinpoint when your content performs best.

5. Interact and Engage

Finally, we come to the essence of social media – engagement. Building a rapport with your audience is essential for any blogger; the more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to share your content, comment on your posts, and boost your visibility online. Make sure you're active on your platforms - reply to comments, ask questions, conduct polls, and even consider hosting occasional giveaways. Sparking conversations with your audience not only humanises you but is also likely to result in a loyal fanbase.

Optimising your social media content may seem like a daunting task, but when done right, the results can be incredibly rewarding. Focus on visuals, keep your captions concise, incorporate relevant hashtags, post when your audience is active, and actively engage with your followers. Stop posting just to post, have a meaning and make sure you optimise every post for the best possible results.


Good LinkedIn Connection Messages


Tips to Enhance Engagement on Social Media