Tips to Enhance Engagement on Social Media

The Art of Boosting Social Engagement: Tips and Tricks from My Experiences

As a regular blogger (in that i blog if and when i can) we take the time to share our best tips, thoughts and trends etc. But this is the first time thinking about why we believe our blogs to have brought success (and maybe, just maybe can help you too).

Here is my thoughts about what makes a successful blog: -


With out a doubt the number one key to a great blog is all about posting as often as you can, even at the start when you believe nobody is listening/ reading! If it helps the blogs you write will have an SEO benefit so even if they haven’t brought you the millions in revenue they are not wasted. Another great advantage is social media algorithms, for platforms like LinkedIn for example posting regular content gives you a super boost so your content naturally gets more traction versus someone who post every now and again.


We always look to how we can add value to our readers, we have a respect and appreciation for people’s time so what we post is about helping you to progress and/ or add value to your business. We have proven time and time again that by helping businesses brings sales further down the line or for some at that very moment (we are all in a different place at different times).


We very rarely send out content that sells, we do of course need to let you know what we do but instead we focus on what we believe are our customers pain points, those that have an emotion connection. It could be frustrating marketing results, spending on adverts, not ranking, lead generation, thinking they are missing out on certain platforms, competitors doing it better. We post about things that we can help fix!

Mix It Up

Have fun with your blogs and try new formats, new topics and test the headings/ content. Think about the platform it is built for, a blog on TikTok won’t cut it but a blog on LinkedIn will (and vice versa). Instead use the content idea (the keyword) to build out multiple versions of the subject. The idea is to first attract the reader so something different in your headers and images are essential, it’s then about testing a good structure, too short people will be disappointed, too long and people will switch off. Remember the blog is for the customer not you :)

Break It Up

Obviously the content is important but so is the images you use, they should compliment the article (try to avoid them taking over the article). They are used as a break for the audience to digest that paragraph or point and then take a breath before they start the next section. Reading often makes people tired so helping keep the concentration means a better response to your business and the article.


Sorry to mention it but failing to be authentic can lead to people not believing and so makes it a lose/;lose fo all. Don’t bang out AI articles instead invest time in your audience by taking 20 minutes to write something compelling and something that if and when they speak to you is consistent with your values, thoughts and business.


No matter the platform, make sure you respond to all comments (good or bad). You are a real person and should be seen to be online too, for us it’s no better than ignoring someone who is trying to talk to you in a queue (As always there will be people who have a different opinion to you, simply thank them and move on, don’t get into a debate). Responding also has a algorithm boost as the post is clearly deemed to be of interest to people so the platform will allow it more reach.


Finally, always allow your customer to continue their journey with Call To Actions or at least Links. The point of a blog is to give the customer a great journey by answering their needs and then guiding them to better solutions (which could include you).

There you have it, my best advice to get your blogs moving! We haven’t done anything more than mentioned above, blogs take time to see traction regardless of how brilliant the tile or images used. It’s a long-term strategy that you’ll need to invest time into, but will bring you great results when done correctly.


Creating Impactful Social Media Content


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