How Involved Are You?

This question is easily answered by how involved would you like us to be?

For some clients they like us to do the whole project and just keep them updated, for others they like an active role in the project. To be honest we enjoy both sides equally, OYM has the team, skills and experience to go alone but also has the time and patience to teach the client as we go.

For some clients we work on a short term project to get them help with the challenge they have, for others we are a long-term solution. There is a third client set, in that the business already has a marketing person but they need help in skills or in time, again we are happy to assist, our goal remains the same, to help you get the results.

All businesses know they need to market, so it’s not unusual for OYM to step in and help firstly by addressing the challenge they have (usual needing leads, SEO, ADs not working, Social Media help etc.) then building out to a bigger plan. We challenge ourselves to perform by not having contracts and delivering what we say in the initial proposal.

So whether the goal is short-term help or long-term solution, whether you want to be involved or not be involved and whatever your online challenge is OYM will be able to help.


What Happens If You Go Over Budget?


What Other Things Do You Do?