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Good LinkedIn Connection Messages

LinkedIn is a great platform for all businesses, but the common negative we are hearing is about the lack of connections being accepted. There is 3 main reasons that we are seeing: -

(1) LinkedIn like other platforms has been around for quite a while so people are naturally fed up of connecting (especially against the other big hitters, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, TikTok etc.) there is simply too much choice.

(2) Talking of so much choice, it means we potentially spend more time on other platforms so it can be a waiting game for someone to get around to seeing your request.

(3) If you do connect there is a high possibility that someone will try and sell you something, often even if they don’t know you! so again causes a resistance to accept connections.

So what can you do? well not a lot! the best advice is to keep the faith and connect with people you genuinely want to be connected too, have a purpose and reason and talk to the connection on a real level. Don’t use automation, I can normally count less than 10 seconds before the person i connect with sends me a thanks for connecting, either i’m very lucky that they happen to be there at that very moment or it’s obviously automated, that’s about as impersonal as you can get.

Instead test and measure connection messages that showcase that you are real, even if the template is a copy of a previous connection, you’ve still taken the time to write it personally. Below is a ‘starter for ten’ example templates for you to consider.

Example 1

Hi [First Name],

I came across your profile and was impressed by your background in [Industry/Role]. I believe we share similar interests and values, and I would appreciate the opportunity to connect with you on LinkedIn.By expanding our networks, we can share insights, ideas, and opportunities in our field. Please feel free to explore my profile and see if there's any way I can be of assistance to you, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or thoughts to share.Looking forward to connecting and learning more about your experiences in [Industry/Role].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Example 2

Dear {Name},

I hope this message finds you well. My name is {Your Name} and I'm reaching out because I'm interested in connecting with you on LinkedIn.

I understand that you are {their title} at {their business/work}, located in {location}. As someone in a similar role, I believe that connecting with you would be beneficial for both of us.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

{Your Name}

Example 3

Hello [Person's Name],

We crossed paths briefly at [event/meeting/online forum, if applicable] and I found your insights on [topic of interest] to be thought-provoking. I noticed that we share an interest in [industry/field of expertise] and I believe connecting on LinkedIn could be mutually beneficial. I would be thrilled to learn more about your journey in [industry/field of expertise] and potentially collaborate in the future. Looking forward to staying in touch and exchanging ideas. Have a great day!

Best regards,

[Your Name]


To improve your connection rate you could focus on the industries that are likely to use LinkedIn on a daily basis, recruiters, accountants etc. but you ideally want to connect with those in your sector, so even if your connection rate is less that 25% it’s still better than nothing. It at least gives you some excellence data for making tweaks. Keep the faith and use LinkedIn in a professional and respectful way for the best chance of success.